Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Lone traveller

So I'm traveling half way round the world today. Alone. For the first time. And I do not like it. I've just left my family and home to go 'home'. Well, the home I have created for myself outside the original. I love being 'home'. It's the leaving my family I don't like. And the leaving alone. Everything seems so magnified when you're alone doesn't it? It's like the middle of the night only it's not. I hate this in between stage you always find yourself in when you're between flights. And waiting for a flight that takes 14 hours is worse. With the layovers and flight time it's going to be another 18 hours our so. Where is that beam thing that Star Trek made us believe was a reality? Anyway, I know this is a downer post but that's how I feel right now. Down in the dumps. The 'muggywumps' as my dad would call it. And getting out of it I fear is only going to happen once I get where I'm going. So hears to a miserable 18 hours....

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